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DLWBooks print-on-demand; a subsidy of Briartown Publishing.  All books on this site are written by Deborah Lowe Wright.


The love of history began at the age of 9. However, researching and writing history started at age 45. It began by answering a personal question about African Americans in Circleville, Ohio. There was no information readily obtain that told the story of black life in Circleville. This motivated search. Information found about Circleville's African American community was collected and presented in varying media..  It was not any easy task.


The effort was well worth the find of two petitions signed by 147 black men to the United States Congress in 1870. These men, denied the right to exercise their newly enfranchisement, asked both Houses of Congress to pass a law to enforce the Fifteenth Amendment. Their voice, through these petitions was heard as evidencefor passage of the Enforcement Act of 1870.  My first book, THEY LEFT THEIR MARK, presents facts about the events leading up to April 4, 1870 election.  Excerpted Congressional debates to add penalties to the Fifteenth Amendment and the Supreme Court's dismantling of the Enforcement Act are highlighted. The book concludes with hope that the struggle for real equality is carried on by the coming generations.


While still researching and writing about the lives of these Circleville men, Ms. Wright's interest moved to the telling the organizational history of the Ohio District Council of Pentecostal Churches of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. The vast amount of information is divided into three volumes which focus on history, growth and grace respectfully.


Deborah Lowe Wright believes that self worth, sound character and accepted identity can not be accomplished without knowledge and understanding of history.  WHO YOU ARE can be explained by knowing WHO YOU CAME FROM.  Ms. Wright believes, in each generation, there are things that go undone. Each task, having a purpose,  needs to be completed. Every generation that does not finish the task, misses receiving a just reward and burdens the next generation with the charge to complete it.    Ms. Wright's motivation for researching and sharing history, anyway she can, is to shine a light on the past to illuminate the present to see the future fulfilled.


Books, in various stages of writing, are  about Circleville families: Dades, Daltons, Dickersons. A book about the African American religious community in Circleville is planned. Research and outlines are done for books with topics on faith, words we speak and women of color. it is  hopde something will interest you to purchase one or all DLWbooks.


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